Sunday, March 27, 2011

Social Networking

Over the past two weeks, I have been at training for work. It was the Federal Law Enforcement Analyst Training. It was a great two weeks! We learned so much, from Social Networking, to charting, to crime trends, to everything involving drug investigations. We had a two day seminar on Social Networking. It was fabulous. I loved it in part, because my boss was the presenter. But also because I learned SO much from him!! A lot of the lecture revolved around investigations.

One of the main things that I wanted to blog about, was about Facebook. He presented on how Facebook start, which anyone who loves SNS's and has viewed the movie The Social Network, knows how FB started. However, he talked about how FB really aims to be the "Franklin Planner" of SNS's. I thought that this was a great analogy!! Franklin Planners have calanders, to do lists, phone numbers, etc. It's a handy way to keep everything you need in one location. Well, as the presenter had stated, that is FB's goal. They want to have a central way for people to keep track of friends, phone numbers (if you put it on your page), birthdays, etc. This central "do all" that FB provides really sets it apart from other SNS's. 

1 comment:

  1. Good observation. That makes Facebook ideal for maintaining relationships with friends.
