Title: Case Study, Child Seduction and Self Representation on the Internet
Authors: Ethel Quayle and Max Taylor
Journal: Cyber Psychology and Behavior, Volume 4, Number 5, 2001
The paper is a case study of a man, who was charged with downloading child pornography. He traded CP, located children to abuse, and to socialize online with other pedophiles. This is a behavioral look at offenders, and how the Internet plays a role in child victimization.
There are four ways which pedophiles use the Internet for their sexual interest: traffic CP, locate kids to molest, engage in inappropriate sexualized communication with kids and to communication with other adults who have sexual interest in kids (pedophiles). This case study devuldged into the mind of a pedophile, and online activity. The individual utilized chat rooms, where he could undertake multiple persona's.
A typical cognition of these individuals, is the justification of their behaviors. They deny any possible injury towards the kid, and wish bad upon anyone who looks down upon their actions. Internet child pornography allows the user to further justify their actions, because they are not actually touching the child. As well, they can find like minded individuals to communicate with, therefore, do not need to worry about condemners. Like minded individuals will support and encourage their actions and behaviors. A lot of these individuals feel that this is the "more responsible way of dealing with their feelings than going out and trying to abuse 'real' children".
Pedophiles engage in this online because of accessibility, affordability, and anonymity of the Internet. The Internet makes available not only CP images and videos, but also communities of like minded individuals, erotica (images, videos or stories, which does not constitute child pornography, but is used by pedophiles to fulfill their sexual gratification; example: a child wearing underwear in provocative poses). Anonymity allows people to also say things they wouldn't normally say, and be various persona's (this is not just unique to CP users, but for all people...people tend to feel more free to say and do things they wouldn't otherwise do or say).
Case of Q.X.
The individual used for this case study was a 33 year old, single man. He is sex offender treatment program..He has struggled with depression. He has never had a successful relationship with an adult. He sought contact with boys ages 9-14.
A number of aspects of the Internet were asked to QX.
He bought a computer with the sole goal of accessing CP. He reported that finding CP was very easy and there was a wide variety. His first area of access CP on the Internet was on Newsgroups. He found out where to find the materials online, largely by the press. The first CP images that he saw was arousing and escalated downloading. "...so there was a bit of shock, but that went very quickly..I was very much hooked..."
He quickly became bored with Newsgroups and switched to chatrooms. "...I became hooked on chat rooms rather than the initial Newsgroups". Chats were a place where QX could meet those who had similar interests as him, as well as view child pornography movies. Collecting movies became his primary interest. He stated that he became "numb" to images, and that the same images were repeatedly traded.
QX quickly began portraying himself as a child. He stated he did this in order to increase the possibility of accessing kids. Children are more likely to talk to another child. Therefore, the pedophile pretending to really be a child increased the chance and amount of children who would talk to him. He tried multiple child persona's, he ultimately ended maintaining Joe, 11 year old boy, who had blue eyes and blonde hair. Interestingly, the author states, that Joe was very similar to how QX would have looked at this age. QX offline life is a teacher, wherefore, it was easy for him to act as the children he saw at school. The online persona enabled him to act out fantasies that he has had. The picture that he used of himself, was that of a young boy who was on the local cricket team. Activities in the chat rooms has many people who are also participating in the same activities, and supporting the behaviors.
This case study showed how pedophiles use the Internet to facilitate relationships and find materials to fit their sexual desires. The main focus was on how finding an online persona and forming relationships with children, heightened his arousal. Participating with link minded people allowed for sexual expression and solicitation.
The main purpose of blogging about this article is to show how people act online. I think many people trust who they are speaking with online, however, as shown above, people lie about who they are. I think that not trusting strangers that one meets, especially in chat rooms, is a valuable lesson that people need to be informed about.
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